Paint stripping systems
Your in-house solution
Purchasing a paint stripping system in-house offers many concrete advantages. More and more customers are making a conscious decision in favour of an in-house solution and against the costly outsourcing of cleaning services with considerable organisational, time and thus cost expenditure.
The cleaning specialist BUPI Golser has developed a special plant series for this purpose, which is characterised by a space-saving and compact construction structure with innovative and at the same time environmentally friendly detailed solutions. With these sophisticated paint stripping systems and service-oriented accompanying services, the premium supplier supports its customers in individual process optimisation. By integrating paint stripping into the production process, the parts can be quickly reused. One advantage is shorter paint stripping cycles and thus higher plant utilisation. The simultaneous reduction of material wear makes unnecessary downtimes of the plant or even interruptions of operation unnecessary.
Paint stripping through chemical reactions is much gentler than sandblasting or thermal processes and thus results in a longer service life of the cleaned parts.

The innovative BUPI CLEANER® have been proven to result in good cleaning outcomes in paint-stripping of hanger units in powdercoating This technology specifically prevents material wear and considerably reduces costs by longer usage times of the hanger units used. The dedicated filter systems for the removed paint sustainably optimise the ecological footprint.

Careful processing in separate systems for paint stripping and rinsing stages can be used to subject incorrectly coated parts from production or repaired parts, such as aluminium wheel rims, to cleaning in compliance with the highest quality demands. Concentrated paint-stripping with innovative technology renders scrapping obsolete, thus measurable improving cost efficiency.