Seminar for industrial parts cleaning in CZ
Quality standards and process reliability: the topic of industrial parts cleaning is a decisive factor in many industries. For this reason, numerous Czech companies attended the seminar “Industrial Cleaning” from 17 to 18 May 2022 in Brno. A BUPI CLEANER® POWERTEC PRO cleaning machine was available on site for concrete application examples. On the basis of practical questions, comprehensive advice was given on the subject of industrial parts cleaning.
The organiser of the sector-independent seminar for industrial parts cleaning was our sales partner for the Czech Republic, the company IMTOS, spol. s r.o. In addition to other contributions, Markus Wischenbart, Technical Manager of BUPI Golser Maschinenbau GmbH, also answered practice-relevant questions and outlined solution examples in a presentation.
What is professional parts cleaning all about?
The seminar in the Czech Republic provided answers to all questions about the use of industrial parts washers and their application in practice. With important information on the energy efficiency of industrial parts washers, it made a valuable contribution to the topic of environmental protection and minimising operating costs. The sustainable and gentle use of cleaning media – depending on the material – was also part of the seminar.
Contents of the seminar at a glance
– Determining the energy intensity of the operation
– Analysis: operating costs
– Analysis: cleaning efficiency
– Evaluation of partial cleanliness
Will there be further seminars and information events?
We are pleased about the great interest in the seminar for industrial parts cleaning in the Czech Republic. And we support our customers and interested industry participants in Germany, Switzerland and England in all questions of industrial parts cleaning. Do you have questions about the operating costs of parts washers, efficient cleaning solutions for industrial applications and the evaluation of parts cleanliness? Let us see exactly what you need. Contact us – we are guaranteed to find a suitable solution for you.